Intelligent Systems on wheels, not only cars. #Data gathering, #DataAnalysis, and real time data processing against the automotive car behavior model is part of the automotive electrification revolution.
Is your business prepared for these changes?
Automotive business has changed, as has customer expectations. Vehicles are getting smarter, capable of accessing road location, environmental conditions, sensors data, GPS, signs, traffic, and decide the safest approach to take. Customer requires more than ‘how fast you reach from 0 to 60mph’, but the whole experience, #connectivity, efficiency, and safety when traveling from point A to B.
An average vehicle today uses 1000 #chips, being mostly of them used for infotainment, decision-making AI, autonomous driving, #sensors #datacollection and operation, and others. To be part of this revolution, #suppliers, #tiers, and #OEMs need to adapt to more sophisticated, flexible, and #cuttingedge technologies.
Suppliers business model must change to add other functionalities and capabilities to their product. Is your business prepared for these changes? We can help you. Contact EnergyDM Management today.
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